Katie J. Carsten radically encountered the Lord Jesus Christ and His love for her in 2014, and she has been burning for Him ever since. She spent many years as an ER nurse until the Lord called her away from her job in 2018, telling her that her primary ministry was to her family and to bring them to Him. Little did she know, that just a few months later, she would encounter the greatest fight of her life, the fight for her son’s salvation and destiny.
God, in His infinite wisdom and great love, prepared her in advance for what was coming, making sure that she had the time needed to devote not only to the battle, but to her family and the people God has brought into her life.
Katie grew up in Alabama, but now lives in Charlotte, NC with her husband and children and she is passionately pursuing the call of God on her life. Because she has tasted and seen that indeed the Lord is good, she has a deep desire and calling to help God’s people step into the fullness of all that Jesus died to give them.
She spends her time teaching, ministering to and mentoring those God has brought to her, but her first and primary calling is to steward well what the Lord has given her, and that is her family.